Selasa, 27 September 2011

Improving Vocabulary Though Operating Computer for Elementary School Students

Author : Risma Ardiansyah N
Affiliation : English department, faculty of teaching training and education faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Abstract :
This article reports on the design and results of an experiment the aim of which was to test the effects of operating and playing computer on the learning of English vocabulary by young elementary school students, Indonesian- speaking children. The article also discusses the role of computer and the software of computer as teaching aids in the foreign language classroom.
Key words:
Learning computers vocabulary, learning vocabuary, interesting way to learn vocabulary, elementary school vocabulary learning, easy vocabulary, vocabulary for elementary school.

English is central of learning process. By learning English people may gain information not only from the same country but also from the entire world. Besides that, people who can speak and master English fluently will get more advantages in their future and giving advantages to his country and other people. In addition, with master English our country can move get ahead. For that purpose, we must make our citizen in our country able to speak English in theory and practical.
It is better to learning English in young age especially in elementary school. In the elementary school, students are able to think and became critics. The students are more enthusiasts and motivated to learn about something that is different and rather strange. However, in elementary school age, students are not easy to control and became naughty students. In this case teacher have challenge to control the students to learn English materials and able to learn English.
In Indonesia, English became second language. And the basic level of learning English in Indonesia has been identified. Now the teaching learning processes of English are expanding from the basic level. The basic levels of learning English in Indonesia are pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Moreover, for elementary school, students who introduced with English should learn English from the basic level of English and for elementary school student the basic learning of English must emphasized in the vocabulary skill.
Vocabularies mean a set of terms (word, codes etc) that are used in specific community (Wikipedia) in this case student who learn English must learn English vocabulary which is agreed and well known vocabularies’ or we can say that the vocabulary which is learned must listed in dictionary. But students are not interested to learn vocabularies by read dictionary, but almost of them like games or another else which related to modernity, such as computer which have so much vocabularies in every sides and its can be used to control the students actions, it can be inferred that we encourage the student’s learning will without book or dictionary. But just provide computer which have so much English vocabularies.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

My New bLoG--> Risma Ardiansyah

Assalaamualaikum wr wb

yach.. memang bagiku blog merupakan sesuahtu yang baru. tanpa ada yang mengajari alias ottodidak  (gak tau gimana spellingnya hehee..)
namun walaupun gue belajar ndiri nihh pas buat blog.. ternyata gak sulit..
guampang bwanget hloo...
ndak sampe stengah jam sebuah blog hasil karya Risma Ardiansyah tercipta..
sedikit ada masalah dengan Critical discourse analysis membuatu terpaku dengan tulisan ini.. sejenak kulepaskan dulu lahh cengkeraman paper itu dari otakku,, huhh... mungkin lain kali akan ku masukan sebuah paper asil karya 5 hari 3 malam.. hehee..

yaa,, langsung saja berbekal internet dan sebuah kata inspirasi
"dimanfaatkan dg baik dund" (red) membuat inspirasi dlam pembuatan blog-ku ini.. wkwk..
lalu ku buka sebuah web...
dsana ada tulisan cara membuat blog...
eh ternyata membuat blog thu gak sampe ada beberapa langkah sperti kbanyakan care..
hmm,, setelah bermodalkan email, kita hnya butuh satu tahap dalam pembuatan blog...
1. kunjungi udah deh.. abis itu, ikutin ajja langkah selanjutnya..
gak perlu pusing-pusing.. kurang dari 30 menit sudah jadi blog anda. selamat mencoba...

wassalaamualaikum wr wb